Refractive Astrograph  RSA

The lenses of the LIASTRO refractive astrograph use full coating + multi-layer coating to ensure excellent light transmittance. With extremely high precision polished lenses. Brings extreme clarity and brightness. The advanced three-piece APO-Pro (Apochromatic Extra Low Dispersion Glass) design brings extremely high color reproduction to astrophotography photos!

Technical Parameter:

Optical structure: Three-piece APO-Pro Apochromatic Refractive

Focal length: 600mm (150 caliber) / 550mm (102 caliber)

Diameter: 102mm/150mm

Focal Ratio: f4-f5.39

Coating: Full coating + Multi-layer coating (six times)

Weight: 4.6kg/6kg

Eyepiece: None (can use adapter ring to adapt to astronomical eyepiece)

Finder: Full Coating + Multi Coating, Metal, 8x42

Focusing seat: 2-inch photography focusing seat

Whether to support camera: Support

Price: %2299 - $4399

The advanced three-piece APO-Pro (Apochromatic Extra Low Dispersion Glass) design brings extremely high color reproduction to astrophotography photos!

Caliber 150mm/102mm available

The lenses of the LIASTRO refractive astrograph use full coating + multi-layer coating to ensure excellent light transmittance. With extremely high precision polished lenses. Brings extreme clarity and brightness. The advanced three-piece APO-Pro (Apochromatic Extra Low Dispersion Glass) design brings extremely high color reproduction to astrophotography photos!

The LIASTRO Pro equatorial mount is EQ10 level, with extremely high precision, and uses an innovatively designed console touch screen control system instead of the hand controller, combined with GPS+GNESS+LIAT3.1 processor to obtain more powerful functions. MH2 counterweight technology allows counterweights to weigh well beyond the limits of their size!

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